Favorite Businesses are increasingly deploying multiple machine learning (ML) models to serve precise and accurate predictions to their consumers. Consider a media company that wants to provide recommendations to its subscribers. The company may want to employ different custom models for recommending different categories of products—such as movies, books, music,
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 22, 2020
Favorite The text below is from an article entitled Getting the most from after action reviews to improve global health security Image from wikimedia commons “Tannenbaum and Cerasoli conducted a systematic review of findings from 46 studies. Limiting their analysis to studies that reported on the impacts of AARs on “quantifiable
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Shared by Nick Milton October 22, 2020
Favorite Here is a useful Boston Square which might help you unpack some of the assumptions behind knowledge transfer. Knowledge transfer is a term everyone uses, but often we can bring baggage and assumptions to the term. What exactly do we MEAN by transferring knowledge? How is it transferred,
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Shared by Nick Milton October 21, 2020
Favorite If mentoring is not working for you, try dedicated learning? Image from wikimedia commons Mentoring and coaching are tried and tested ways of transferring knowledge between an older experienced person, and a younger less experienced person. However this relationship often breaks down. In a recent study for a client
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Shared by Nick Milton October 20, 2020
Favorite There is a lot of value in a KM audit, so long as you do it regularly. In this post, I suggested that there are two types of KM surveys; the audit and the assessment. I said the first was like counting the apples in your orchard, the second
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Shared by Nick Milton October 19, 2020
Favorite Workplace safety hazards can exist in many different forms: sharp edges, falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise, and a myriad of other potentially dangerous situations. Safety regulators such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and European Commission often require that businesses protect their employees and customers from hazards
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 17, 2020
Favorite This is a guest post by Dustin Potter at EagleDream Technologies. In their own words, “EagleDream Technologies educates, enables, and empowers the world’s greatest companies to use cloud-native technology to transform their business. With extensive experience architecting workloads on the cloud, as well as a full suite of skills
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 16, 2020
Favorite Computer vision uses machine learning (ML) to build applications that process images or videos. With Amazon Rekognition, you can use pre-trained computer vision models to identify objects, people, text, activities, or inappropriate content. Our customers have use cases that span every industry, including media, finance, manufacturing, sports, and technology.
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 16, 2020
Favorite Historically, humans have observed animal behaviors and applied them for different purposes. For example, behavioral observation is important in animal ecology, such as how often the behaviors are, when the behaviors occur, or whether there is individual difference or not. However, identifying and monitoring these behaviors and movements can
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 16, 2020
Favorite In 2018, we introduced Duplex, our AI technology that uses natural conversation to get things done. Since then, we’ve been exploring how conversational technology can be both easy to interact with and help people save more time. Today, during our Search On event, we shared an update on how
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Shared by Google AI Technology October 15, 2020