Favorite Text classification is a technique for putting text into different categories, and has a wide range of applications: email providers use text classification to detect spam emails, marketing agencies use it for sentiment analysis of customer reviews, and discussion forum moderators use it to detect inappropriate comments. In the
Favorite In a market where supply grossly exceeds demand, prices fall, and value is destroyed. This is an unhealthy market, and these conditions can apply to knowledge as well as to commodities. A commodity where supply far exceeds demand is a devalued commodity. Maybe supply will stimulate some demand, but
Favorite AWS DeepRacer is a fully autonomous 1/18th scale race car powered by reinforcement learning (RL) that gives machine learning (ML) developers of all skill levels the opportunity to learn and build their ML skills in a fun and competitive way. AWS DeepRacer Evo includes new features and capabilities to
Favorite Working from home can be a big change to your ergonomic setup, which can make it hard for you to keep a healthy posture and take frequent breaks throughout the day. To help you maintain good posture and have fun with machine learning (ML) in the process, this post
Favorite In October 2019, AWS announced that it was working with Facebook, Microsoft, and the Partnership on AI on the first Deepfake Detection Challenge. Deepfake algorithms are the same as the underlying technology that has given us realistic animation effects in movies and video games. Unfortunately, those same algorithms have
Favorite My dad got his first video camera the day I was born nearly three decades ago. “Say hello to the camera!” are the first words he caught on tape, as he pointed it at a red, puffy baby (me) in a hospital bassinet. The clips got more embarrassing from
Favorite I was asked last week whether Covid-induced remote working promotes KM. I don’t think it does yet; but the opportunity exists to make KM part of the New Normal. Image from tradoc.army.mil Firstly let’s recognise what the response to Covid has delivered, namely a “burning platform” to drive digital
Favorite In this article from Forbes Magazine in 2012, Steven Denning, once head of KM at the World Bank and a wise commentator on Knowledge Management topics, describes his ten principles for managing knowledge. These are as follows The amount of money that could be spent on accumulating knowledge is infinite: Knowledge is
Favorite GPUs can significantly speed up deep learning training, and have the potential to reduce training time from weeks to just hours. However, to fully benefit from the use of GPUs, you should consider the following aspects: Optimizing code to make sure that underlying hardware is fully utilized Using the
Favorite Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that can extract key phrases, places, names, organizations, events, sentiment from unstructured text, and more (for more information, see Detect Entities). But what if you want to add entity types unique to your business, like proprietary part codes or industry-specific