To share more knowledge, build bigger tribes

Favorite We are built to share knowledge within our tribes. To improve knowledge sharing, build bigger tribes. Papua New Guinea – True North –on Flickr – source/credit: North Star Cruises. Photograph by David Kirkland.  Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0) As humans, we have  always had the ability, through language

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Shared by Nick Milton February 3, 2020

Challenges for a new CKO (NASA video)

Favorite In this video, Ed Hoffman (ex-CKO of NASA) talks about some of the challenges facing a new CKO trying to introduce a new KM program. He concludes The KM program has to “fit” the organisation, and how people work The KM program should address pain points for people and

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Shared by Nick Milton January 31, 2020

Amazon Comprehend now supports multi-label custom classification

Favorite Amazon Comprehend is a fully managed natural language processing (NLP) service that enables text analytics to extract insights from the content of documents. Amazon Comprehend supports custom classification and enables you to build custom classifiers that are specific to your requirements, without the need for any ML expertise. Previously, custom

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning January 30, 2020

A useful matrix for mapping senior stakeholders

Favorite We know that senior level support for Knowledge Management remains the greatest challenge for KM, and that once established, it is by far the greatest enabler. But how do you gain this support? My Knoco South Africa colleague Ian Corbett uses the matrix shown here to identify areas where

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Shared by Nick Milton January 30, 2020

AI’s killer (whale) app

Favorite The Salish Sea, which extends from British Columbia to Washington State in the U.S., was once home to hundreds of killer whales, also known as orcas. Now, the population of Southern Resident Killer Whales, a subgroup of orcas, is struggling to survive—there are only 73 of them left. Building

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Shared by Google AI Technology January 28, 2020

Detecting hidden signs of anemia from the eye

Favorite Beyond helping us navigate the world, the human eye can reveal signs of underlying disease, which care providers can now uncover during a simple, non-invasive screening (a photograph taken of the back of the eye). We’ve previously shown that deep learning applied to these photos can help identify diabetic

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Shared by Google AI Technology January 28, 2020

What KM can learn from start-ups – 5, build a good product

Favorite Last week I started a set of blog posts likening KM implementation to a business start-up. Here is number 5 in the series.  Lean Start-up methodology, by Rebeca Zuniga on Flickr This blog series uses this analogy of a start-up to inform KM implementation. It reviews 5 common reasons

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Shared by Nick Milton January 28, 2020