What does mature KM look like?

Favorite Mature KM is a mixture of attitude, habit, and framework. If you visited an organisation that had truly embraced and embedded Knowledge Management, what would you see? What would be different and distinctive about that organisation? You would probably notice 3 things – attitudes, habits, and a solid KM

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Shared by Nick Milton December 9, 2019

6 potential KM implementation approaches

Favorite There are a number of strategic approaches that you can apply when implementing Knowledge Management. All have their failings – we recommend a combination of two of them.  There are many and varied ways to introduce KM to a company, and a lot of these fail. The main 6

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Shared by Nick Milton December 6, 2019

Introducing medical speech-to-text with Amazon Transcribe Medical

Favorite We are excited to announce Amazon Transcribe Medical, a new HIPAA-eligible, machine learning automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that allows developers to add medical speech-to-text capabilities to their applications. Transcribe Medical provides accurate and affordable medical transcription, enabling healthcare providers, IT vendors, insurers, and pharmaceutical companies to build services

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning December 4, 2019

General ignorance and the risks of outdated knowledge

Favorite Knowledge that “everyone knows” but which is quite wrong, it termed “General ignorance” and is a dangerous component of KM.  QI stage-set from wikimendia commons There is a highly amusing TV quiz here in the UK, called QI. One section of the show is called “General Ignorance”, and consists

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Shared by Nick Milton December 3, 2019

AWS DeepRacer Evo is coming soon, enabling developers to race their object avoidance and head-to-head models in exciting new racing formats

Favorite Since the launch of AWS DeepRacer, tens of thousands of developers from around the world have been getting hands-on experience with reinforcement learning in the AWS Management Console, by building their AWS DeepRacer models and competing in the AWS DeepRacer League for a chance to be crowned the 2019

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning December 2, 2019

Introducing Amazon SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes

Favorite AWS is excited to introduce Amazon SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, a new capability that makes it easier for developers and data scientists using Kubernetes to train, tune, and deploy machine learning (ML) models in Amazon SageMaker. Customers can install these Amazon SageMaker Operators on their Kubernetes cluster to create

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning December 2, 2019