How to select a successful KM pilot project

Favorite Knowledge Management pilot projects are a crucial part of any KM implementation. But how do you select a good pilot?                                                    A KM pilot project is

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Shared by Nick Milton January 25, 2018

Future Workforce: Reworking the Revolution

Favorite “Bots need humans as much as humans need bots”. Great discussion on leadership role and ongoing tactics of developing the human component of your future/present workforce in the age of digital/robotic intelligence. Panelists include: Rick Ambrose, EVP Space, Lockheed Martin; Ellyn Shook, Chief Leadership and HR Officer, Accenture; John Donovan, CEO AT&T

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Shared by Friends of Mayor Densmore January 24, 2018

Army definitions in Lesson Learning

Favorite The Army talk about building up lessons through Observations and Insights. But what do these terms mean? Lesson learning is one area where Industry can learn from the Military. Military lesson learning can be literally a matter of life and death, so lesson learning is well developed and well

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Shared by Nick Milton January 24, 2018

How the BBC learned from their Olympic coverage

Favorite Here is a case study of one organisation – the BBC – learning from experience.  The  Olympics is was a massive event, on a scale that is unprecedented in peacetime. It’s the biggest project a country will ever undertake, other than a war. I have already blogged about the

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Shared by Nick Milton January 23, 2018

The heart and soul of a Community of Practice

Favorite What makes a group of people into a Community of Practice? Recently I read a document which asserted that the employees within an organisation are naturally a community of practice, because they all work together in service of the same organisational goal. That immediately struck me as wrong, but why

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Shared by Nick Milton January 22, 2018

Is Learning from Failure the worst way to learn?

Favorite Is learning from failure the best way to learn, or the worst? Classic Learning by Alan Levine on Flickr I was driven to reflect on this when I read the following quote from Clay Shirkey; “Learning from experience is the worst possible way to learn something. Learning from experience

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Shared by Nick Milton January 19, 2018

What did Jack Welch say about KM?

Favorite It’s always interesting to see what CEOs say about KM. Here’s Jack Welch. Jack Welch, the famous CEO of General Electric, did an excellent job of summarising the business vision for Knowledge Management, when he made this statement in the GE 1996 annual report. “Our behaviour is driven by

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Shared by Nick Milton January 18, 2018

The new ISO KM Standard explained

Favorite The video webinar below is from Judy Payne, one of my co-members on the committee to develop the new ISO KM standard. Judy delivered this last week for the Association of Project Managers, and explains the history of the standard, the thinking behind it, and some of the key

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Shared by Nick Milton January 17, 2018

What is a knowledge product?

Favorite The concept of a Knowledge Product is a common one in the development sector, and is used as a label for many types of document.  But what makes a product a “knowledge product”? Many organisations working in the development sector create what they call “Knowledge Products”. The African Development

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Shared by Nick Milton January 16, 2018

5 reasons why organisations don’t learn lessons.

Favorite If lesson learning is so simple, why do organisations so often fail to learn the big lessons? We seem to be able to learn the little lessons, like improving small aspects of projects, but the big lessons seem to be relearned time and time again. Why is this? Some

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Shared by Nick Milton January 15, 2018