The 11 steps of FEMA’s lesson capture process

Favorite The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a pretty good process for capturing and distributing lessons. Here are the 11 steps. Every Emergency Services organisation pays close attention to Lesson-Learning  (see for the approach taken by the Wildland Fire Service). They know that effective attention to learning from lessons can

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Shared by Nick Milton January 12, 2018

How well distributed is your KM budget?

Favorite There are 4 legs on the Knowledge Management table. Are you investing evenly in each of them? Knowledge Management  requires equal attention to the four key enablers of People, Process, Technology and Governance. The test of whether you truly are paying equal attention is whether your KM program investments

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Shared by Nick Milton January 11, 2018

What Enterprise Social Networks can tell us about KM adoption

Favorite Many Enterprise Social Network adoptions have stalled. What lessons can we draw for Knowledge Management? Enterprise Social Networking (ESN) technologies such as Yammer, Slack and Facebook for Business are often introduced on the same premise as Knowledge Management – that these technologies will allow staff to share knowledge, collaborate,

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Shared by Nick Milton January 10, 2018

The state of the UK KNowledge Management job market

Favorite Courtesy of IT Jobswatch, UK, here is a summary of the state of UK IT-related KM job market Basically, the job market is much the same or slightly better than last year, and a bit worse than it was 2 years ago. Median UK salaries seem pretty constant.  These

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Shared by Nick Milton January 9, 2018

How Siemens build Knowledge Assets

Favorite Knowledge adds value when it is current, useful, validated, acccessible, combines knowledge from many sources, and is packaged in a usable format. Here’s how Siemens does its knowledge synthesis and packaging.  Siemens define a knowledge asset as being Validated Explicit knowledge on a value-adding Business processes.  I like this definition, as it

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Shared by Nick Milton January 8, 2018

Top 10 KM blog posts of 2017

Favorite Thank you for your support for this blog in 2017 – here is a review of the year, and our Top 10 posts. More will follow in 2018 Average number of blog user sessions per week through 2017 Support for this blog has been steady during 2017 after a

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Shared by Nick Milton December 31, 2017

4 ways in which communities of practice can be embedded

Favorite Here is a really interesting article about the ways in which Communities of Practice can be embedded in an organisation The article is  about the management of Networks of Practice  in the development sector, and how to draw the balance between managing them too much, or too little. The authors (Marlous

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Shared by Nick Milton December 14, 2017

What’s the reporting line for KM in the organisation?

Favorite When you are setting up a KM function, where should it report?  Here are some statistics about the most common reporting set-ups. The statistics are drawn from all respondents to our 2014 and 2017 global KM surveys. Any any multiple responses from the same company have been removed from

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Shared by Nick Milton December 13, 2017