Amazon Comprehend now supports multi-label custom classification

Favorite Amazon Comprehend is a fully managed natural language processing (NLP) service that enables text analytics to extract insights from the content of documents. Amazon Comprehend supports custom classification and enables you to build custom classifiers that are specific to your requirements, without the need for any ML expertise. Previously, custom

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning January 30, 2020

NeurIPS competition tackles climate data challenges

Favorite The Earth’s climate is a highly complex, dynamic system. It is difficult to understand and predict how different climate variables interact. Finding causal relations in climate research today relies mostly on expensive and time-consuming model simulations. Fortunately, with the explosion in the availability of large-scale climate data and increasing

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning January 22, 2020

NeurIPS competition tackles climate data challenges

Favorite The Earth’s climate is a highly complex, dynamic system. It is difficult to understand and predict how different climate variables interact. Finding causal relations in climate research today relies mostly on expensive and time-consuming model simulations. Fortunately, with the explosion in the availability of large-scale climate data and increasing

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning January 22, 2020