A KM framework for frontline sales

Favorite Knowledge Management case studies are often from the manufacturing, projects, operations or service world. However Knowledge management can be applied to any business activity. In this reprise from the archives, we look at how it can apply to Sales. Sales team meeting by  Jim Larrison on Flickr The sales

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Shared by Nick Milton October 16, 2019

What are the most popular strategic elements of KM?

Favorite What do companies around the world identify as their primary KM strategic approaches?  This was another area we wanted to explore in our two global surveys of Knowledge Management. One of the questions in our surveys therefore covered the topic of strategic focus areas for KM, and we asked

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Shared by Nick Milton October 15, 2019

Creativity is a process

Favorite Creativity is a process We often struggle with innovation and creativity in organisations; assuming you need a sprinkling of lone creative geniuses – a few “Steve Jobs-type” people – to make new breakthroughs. This is not true. What you need is a deliberate creative process, as described in the

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Shared by Nick Milton October 14, 2019

What Knowledge Management can learn from Asset Management

Favorite If knowledge can be seen as an asset, then knowledge management can learn from asset management ISO 55000 defines Asset management as the “coordinated activity of an organisation to realize value from assets”. In turn, Assets are defined as “a item, thing or entity that has potential or actual

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Shared by Nick Milton October 11, 2019

Amazon Textract is now HIPAA eligible

Favorite Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced that Amazon Textract, a machine learning service that quickly and easily extracts text and data from scanned documents, is now eligible for healthcare workloads that require HIPAA certification. This launch builds upon the existing portfolio of AWS artificial intelligence services that are HIPAA-eligible,

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 10, 2019

Verifying and adjusting your data labels to create higher quality training datasets with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

Favorite Building a highly accurate training dataset for your machine learning (ML) algorithm is an iterative process. It is common to review and continuously adjust your labels until you are satisfied that the labels accurately represent the ground truth, or what is directly observable in the real world. ML practitioners

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 10, 2019

The 2 factors that determine the size of KM teams

Favorite The size of KM teams depends on the size of the organisation, and the maturity of the KM program. Yesterday I talked about the need to put your A-team onto the KM implementation program, and discussed some of the skills you need on the team. What I did not

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Shared by Nick Milton October 9, 2019