Favorite It’s 5 PM on a Friday. You’ve spent all afternoon coding out a complex, sophisticated feature engineering strategy. It just started working on your Amazon SageMaker Studio t3.medium notebook, and all you want to do is plug this onto a massive instance, scale it out over the rest of
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 23, 2020
Favorite As part of our three global surveys of Knowledge Management professionals in 2014, 2017 and 2020, we asked the participants to select from a list the Knowledge Management governance elements that had in place in their organisation. The results are shown here. Most of the survey respondents reported at least one
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Shared by Nick Milton June 23, 2020
Favorite The current Covid-19 pandemic allows us to compare how different countries are responding to the emergency. However according to a recent article, any variations in response should not be blamed on a lack of knowledge, or a lack of management of that knowledge. Covid Equipment to GeorgiaFrom IAEA image
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Shared by Nick Milton June 22, 2020
Favorite Fraudulent users and malicious accounts can result in billions of dollars in lost revenue annually for businesses. Although many businesses use rule-based filters to prevent malicious activity in their systems, these filters are often brittle and may not capture the full range of malicious behavior. However, some solutions, such
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 19, 2020
Favorite There is no universal solution for Knowledge Management in an Organisation, but there is a set of universal principles. A Management Framework for KM is bespoke – not off-the-peg. Each organisation must find its own solution , and must design its own Framework. There is no template, no universal
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Shared by Nick Milton June 19, 2020
Favorite There is no universal solution for Knowledge Management in an Organisation, but there is a set of universal principles. A Management Framework for KM is bespoke – not off-the-peg. Each organisation must find its own solution , and must design its own Framework. There is no template, no universal
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Shared by Nick Milton June 19, 2020
Favorite Customer service conversations typically revolve around one or more topics and contain related questions. Answering these questions seamlessly is essential for a good conversational experience. For example, as part of a car rental reservation, you have queries such as, “What’s the charge for an additional driver?” or, “Do you
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 18, 2020
Favorite This is a Knowledge Management story from the early days – about 20 years ago – but is interesting because although it was an old-style approach, it worked and delivered huge value. Texas instruments calculator, image from wikimedia commons In 1994, the CEO of Texas Instruments, Jerry Junkins, gave
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Shared by Nick Milton June 18, 2020
Favorite Amazon Polly turns text into lifelike speech, allowing you to create voice-enabled applications. We’re excited to announce the general availability of a new US English child voice—Kevin. Kevin’s voice was developed using the latest Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS) technology, making it sound natural and human-like. This voice imitates the voice
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 17, 2020
Favorite In today’s world, social media has become a place where customers share their experiences with services that they consume. Every telecom provider wants to have the ability to understand their customer pain points as soon as possible and to do this carriers frequently establish a social media team within
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 17, 2020