The most expensive part of a project is the mistakes

Favorite In any project, the most expensive item is the mistakes. Use KM, modularisation and standardisation to keep mistakes to the minimum. Arches, a photo by Paul Ebbo on Flickr. The title of this blog post comes from a quote by the author Ken Follet in his book “The Pillars

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Shared by Nick Milton April 23, 2019

A simple picture to link KM and continuous improvement

Favorite Knowledge Management is the discipline that drives continuous improvement. Here is a diagram that makes this clear We are all familiar with the link between Knowledge and continuous improvement in our personal lives, as demonstrated by the familiar saying “Practice Makes Perfect”. The more we do something, the better

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Shared by Nick Milton March 29, 2019

When knowledge sharing becomes collaboration

Favorite There is a step in the maturation of communities of practice when their focus shifts from knowledge sharing to collaboration Working together, a photo by Hepcat75 on Flickr. Collaboration is an unnatural act in humans. We are tribal animals, and all our instincts lead us to see life in

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Shared by Nick Milton March 27, 2019

Is the Coca Cola recipe knowledge, or information?

Favorite This is a reprise and update of an old post, which visits an even older KM argument.  CocaColaLabel, a photo by purpleslog on Flickr. There was a heated discussion a while ago on one of the LinkedIn forums, entitled “Is the Coca Cola recipe knowledge, or information?” There were,

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Shared by Nick Milton March 26, 2019

Every lesson is a story

Favorite Capture your lessons as stories, that way they will be remembered more easily. Native American Storytelling. Photo By: Johnny Saldivar One of the way humans learn is through stories. Stories can Inform, Educate, and/or Entertain (transmit information, knowledge, and entertainment) and some of the best stories do all three.

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Shared by Nick Milton March 25, 2019

The human bias behind group-think

Favorite There is a real human bias that drives us to agree with each other, which can drive group think and false consensus  The power of social proof climbs rapidly with the number of people involved.From the Solomon Asch study Why are “canned laughter” tracks so common on TV comedies? 

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Shared by Nick Milton March 22, 2019

10 tasks for the KM team when KM implementation is complete

Favorite When KM implementation is over, the KM team still has a job of work to do Implementing Knowledge Management is a long project of culture change, and the introduction of a new management framework (roles, processes, technologies, governance).  The Knowledge Management team’s initial role is to design and introduce

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Shared by Nick Milton March 20, 2019

The "Designing Buildings" wiki

Favorite The “Designing Buildings” wiki is a nice example of managed industry knowledge The Designing Buildings Wiki, pictured below and explained above, is a wiki for the construction industry. It is active – with 5 million users, 14 million page views per year, and plenty of new edits and content added

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Shared by Nick Milton March 18, 2019