Training and deploying models using TensorFlow 2 with the Object Detection API on Amazon SageMaker

Favorite With the rapid growth of object detection techniques, several frameworks with packaged pre-trained models have been developed to provide users easy access to transfer learning. For example, GluonCV, Detectron2, and the TensorFlow Object Detection API are three popular computer vision frameworks with pre-trained models. In this post, we use

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 9, 2021

Using genetic algorithms on AWS for optimization problems

Favorite Machine learning (ML)-based solutions are capable of solving complex problems, from voice recognition to finding and identifying faces in video clips or photographs. Usually, these solutions use large amounts of training data, which results in a model that processes input data and produces numeric output that can be interpreted

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 5, 2021

Anomaly detection with Amazon Lookout for Metrics

Favorite This is a guest blog post from Quantiphi, an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner that specializes in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data and analytics solutions. We’ve all heard the saying “time is money,” and that’s especially true for the retail industry. In a highly competitive environment where large volumes

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 5, 2021

Zooming in to knowledge

Favorite You know how quickly you can zoom into your house on Google Earth? Can you zoom into your organisational knowledge just as easily? You can browse to your house very quickly on Google Earth. First you find your country,  then your city,  then your suburb or village then your

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Shared by Nick Milton February 5, 2021

Scheduling work meetings in Slack with Amazon Lex

Favorite Imagine being able to schedule a meeting or get notified about updates in your code repositories without leaving your preferred messaging platform. This could save you time and increase productivity. With the advent of chatbots, these mundane tasks are now easier than ever. Amazon Lex, a service for building

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 3, 2021