The "One Year After" knowledge capture event.

Favorite Many of us are used to holding knowledge capture events at the end of a project.  There is also merit in repeating this exercise one year (or more) later. Imagine a project that designs and builds something – a factory, for example, or a toll bridge, or a block

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Shared by Nick Milton February 21, 2018

Here is a useful KM Strategy matrix

Favorite This a a reprise of a post from 5 years ago, describing a useful matrux for plotting your strategic knowledge topics. I first described this matrix in this article in KM review in 2007, as a tool which can be useful in developing your KM strategy. This Boston Square-style

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Shared by Nick Milton February 19, 2018

Why beginners and experts behave differently in KM

Favorite Experts and beginners behave differently in Knowledge Management systems. Here’s why. Great Meadows Fishing Day by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on Flickr Confucius said “Shall I tell you what true knowledge is? When you know, to know that you know, and when you do not know, to

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Shared by Nick Milton February 16, 2018

What to do when knowledge is a core product deliverable

Favorite For some projects, knowledge is their most important deliverable, but how is that deliverable defined? We are used to thinking of knowledge as an input for a project, but it is often an output as well. Projects can learn new things, and can create new knowledge for an organisation.

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Shared by Nick Milton February 15, 2018

How many KM pilots do you run at once?

Favorite KM Pilots are a key step in agile KM implementation, but how many pilots do you run? Knowledge Management pilot projects are a core componment of KM implementation. As we explained last month, a pilot project uses KM to solve a business problem in order to test and demonstrate

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Shared by Nick Milton February 14, 2018

Good, cheap, fast – choose all three

Favorite There is a well known saying; “Good, Fast, Cheap – pick any two.” It’s wrong. Good Fast Cheap by CEA+ on Flickr The idea behind this saying is that there is a certain amount of work to be done to deliver a task, service or product, and that work

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Shared by Nick Milton February 13, 2018

Connect and Collect – the left leg and right leg of KM

Favorite The Connect and Collect approaches in KM are like the left leg and the right leg- you need to use both.  image from PublicDomain Pictures I was working with a client last week who is very interested and enthused about the use of Knowledge Management Processes to drive conversations

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Shared by Nick Milton February 12, 2018

Knowledge drinking fountain, or knowledge firehose

Favorite Too much knowledge is a bad thing. It’s better to drink from the fountain, than be hit by the firehose. Larry Prusak and Tom Davenport wrote in their classic book “Working Knowledge” that “Knowledge can move down the value chain, returning to information and data. The most common reason

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Shared by Nick Milton February 9, 2018

Wishful thinking – the inevitable outcome of "not knowing"?

Favorite The almost inevitable outcome of “now knowing what you don’t know” is wishful thinking. Even the use of benchmarks may not help. Wishful thinking is one of the curses of project management.  Any project team without a perfect knowledge of the challenges that they will face in a project,

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Shared by Nick Milton February 8, 2018